Essay competition for ASUE college students was finalized

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On May 29, the essay competition on the topic "Prospects and Priorities of the Development of the Armenian Economy," announced for students of the ASUE College of Finance and Economics, was finalized. The prize awarding ceremony was conducted at the Armenian State University of Economics.

Lusine Karapetyan, Director of the ASUE College of Finance and Economics, had a welcoming address, highlighting the enthusiastic engagement of college students in research endeavors. Subsequently, the students were welcomed by Tatul Mkrtchyan, ASUE Vice-Rector for Science, who encouraged them to persist in their research endeavors with strong dedication and consistency. Mr. Mkrtchyan emphasized the significance of continuous learning and development, as it shapes the foundation for all essential achievements in life.

The winners were honored with monetary awards, namely 100,000 AMD for the first place, 70,000 AMD for the second, 50,000 AMD for the third, and 30,000 AMD for the fourth place.

Photos of the event are on ASUE official Facebook page.