Event dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the 1988 Spitak earthquake

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December 7, the Day of Remembrance of Earthquake Victims and Resistance to Disasters, was also commemorated at the University of Economics. This is the 35th anniversary of the Great Spitak earthquake.

This event was a tribute to the memory of the earthquake victims and a call for awareness and preparations to face potential disasters.

The organizer of the event was Siranush Harutyunyan, Associate Professor of the Chair of Physical Education, Emergency Situations and Civil Protection, responsible for emergency situations and civil protection functions at ASUE.

During the interview, Siranush Harutyunyan pointed out that our university organizes similar commemorative and awareness events every year, thus sending an important message to the young generation to learn from past and to shape a high degree of resilience to reduce losses during disasters.

The participants of the event honored 1988 victims of the earthquake and those who died in the Artsakh liberation wars with a moment of silence.