The 46th Issue of AMBERD Collective Monograph is Published

25.09.2021 Amberd
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The 46th issue of AMBERD collective monograph entitled "Financial and Economic Analysis and Estimation of Cost Efficiency in the Sphere of Collection, Transportation, Storage, Disposal and/or Use of Waste" is available at ASUE official website. It was authored by Grigor Nazaryan (head of the research team), Gagik Aghajanyan, Alisa Gevorgyan, Nora Ayvazyan, Ani Terteryan, Ani Barseghyan (members of the research team).

The research is dedicated to the assessment of cost-effectiveness in the field of garbage collection, the study of the best international experience and methodology of garbage collection processes, the possibilities of their localization. The authors carried out an assessment of the legal regulation and management efficiency of the RA garbage collection system (on the example of Aragatsotn, Armavir and Vayots Dzor marzes), proposed directions for modernization of sorted waste collection, disposal and treatment processes, carried out cost-effectiveness assessment of garbage collection.

See the e-version of the monograph.

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