Infrastructures will be Created at ASUE for the Full Involvement of Students with Disabilities in the Educational Process

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On September 23, a seminar-discussion was held at ASUE with the participation of the heads and collaborators of different administrative subdivisions of the University, in order to identify the ways of overcoming the problems arising during the integration of students with disabilities into university life, to assess the needs.  "Bridge of Hope" NGO, which protects the rights of children and young people with disabilities, and the Armenian State University of Economics had reached an agreement to hold such discussions, after signing the Memorandum of Understanding in early September. The aim of the newly initiated cooperation is to develop effective cooperation between ASUE and "Bridge of Hope" in order to ensure the full inclusion of students with special educational needs, accessibility and quality in the educational process.

Susanna Tadevosyan, Chair of the "Bridge of Hope" NGO, also took part in the seminar-discussion, who welcomed the initiative of the University of Economics, aimed at defining inclusion in the University as a priority. Until now, there has been no precedent for introducing the element of inclusive education into the university system; in this respect, the University of Economics is one of the first.

"At this stage of cooperation, needs will be identified together with the "Bridge of Hope""; Aghavni Hakobyan, Head of ASUE Lifelong Learning Division, told According to her, similar meetings are planned with the Student Council in the near future.

"The problem has become more urgent after the 44-day war. We have many students at the University, who became disabled as a result of that disaster. Our task is to understand how we can create appropriate infrastructure, to help these young people fully integrate into student life"; Aghavni Hakobyan noted.

According to her, the program is quite ambitious. In the near future, the parties are going to apply for the support of European partners and submit joint grant programs.

In the near future, the idea of ​​establishing a support center at the University will be implemented, and ASUE Lifelong Learning Division will have some involvement, organizing courses that will best meet the expectations and desires of students with special educational needs, helping them to connect with employers, quickly integrate into the labor market.

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