"Teaching Methodology" Course has Started for ASUE Academic Staff

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Today, another training course for the academic staff was launched at the Armenian State University of Economics. The course will be held in 2 stages. The first one will last until February 27, and the second will start in April. The training is carried out in a hybrid way – distance and full-time.

34 lecturers of professional Chairs take part in the "Teaching Methodology" course, which was organized by Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning Division, and it is carried out by ASUE "Change Lab" co-founder, acting Head of the general education department of the staff of Yerevan Municipality, Assistant Professor at ASUE Chair of Management Karen Sargsyan.

ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan welcomed the participants of the training, emphasizing the necessity of continuous professional-pedagogical improvement of the academic staff. Diana Galoyan pointed out that from now on the University will pursue the organization of various trainings, which will allow having a trained teaching staff in 1-2 years. The Head of the University also mentioned that the Scientific Board of the University has approved the regulation of training and certification of the academic staff, which defines the procedures for organizing trainings.

Head of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning Division Aghavni Hakobyan mentioned that professional trainings, as well as courses on foreign languages and information technologies will be organized in the coming months.

Karen Sargsyan organized the identification of the needs of the trainees in order to conduct the training more effectively, presented the purpose of the training, the format, the need to use interactive teaching methods.

At the end of the course the participants will be awarded certificates. University Leadership hopes that the trained lecturers will share their experience with their colleagues.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division