First session of the Scientific Council was held

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On March 5, the first session for 2024 of the ASUE Scientific Council was held. At the beginning of the session, Armen Grigoryan, Vice-rector for Academic Affairs introduced the work plan of the Scientific Council of the university for the second semester of the 2023/2024 academic year, which was approved.

The Chairperson of the Competition Commission Ara Mkrtchyan introduced the item of the agenda on awarding the academic title of an associate professor, and the Scientific Council awarded the title to the senior lecturer of the Chair of Languages, Ph.D. Gayane Hovhannisyan and petitioned the Higher Education and Science Committee to approve the decision of ASUE Scientific Council.

Many issues were related to ASUE "Amberd" Research Center. Director of the center Davit Hakhverdyan introduced the activities of the Center for 2023.

Tatul Mkrtchyan, Vice-rector for Science, introduced the item of making some additions to the formation of research topics and groups of the "Amberd" Research Center, as well as the involvement of post-graduates and students, underlining the fact that the only change proposed is the opportunity for the employees of the university branches to participate in the activities of the center.

At the end of the session, the Scientific Council has guaranteed the publication of the collection of scientific papers of the 41st session of ASUE Student Scientific Society (SSS) under the title "Young Scientist" and the educational manual "Enterprise Economics" (collective authorship) under the supervision and editing of the Head of the Chair of Microeconomics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Mikael Melkumyan.

For more detailed information, please read the Armenian version.