The Future Accountant Karen was a Contract Servicemen

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Karen Gevorgyan, the 4th year student of ASUE Faculty of Accounting and Accounting, is a hero who died in the Artsakh-Azerbaijani war, who was a contract servicemen of the RA Police Public Security.

Mary Badalyan, Dean of the mentioned Faculty, told us about Karen, noting that he was a young man with exceptional human qualities.

"Parallel to trainings, Karen was in service, he often did not have time to attend classes and exams on time, we made a schedule especially for him. He had a great desire to learn, he was a decent, respected and beloved student"; Mary Badalyan noted.

Karen Gorgyan was from Khanjyan village, Armavir region. The dean told us that Karen was wounded on the front, his brother, who was also on the front, wanted to help Karen, unfortunately, brothers were killed by an enemy bullet.

Eternal glory, immortal boys…

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division