Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the CIS countries adopted the model law developed by the ASUE

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At the plenary session of the Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the CIS countries recently held in Bishkek, the model law "Potential assessment of mining industry impact on the health of the population of the affected communities" developed by ASUE under the guidance of the Head of ASUE Chair of Microeconomics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Mikayel Melkumyan, was unanimously adopted.

It should be pointed out that the application for the model law was announced as the winner back in 2021. In the past 2 years, the work group (headed by Mikael Melkumyan, Ph.D., including associate professors Frida Baharyan and Nadya Afyan) has worked on the design of a thoroughly developed law: “When mentioning the model law, we mean that it will become an exemplary guide for the parliaments of the CIS countries”.

“It means that this model law will be sent to the legislative bodies of the CIS member states so that they would develop and adopt similar laws. Eventually, during the years of the independence of the Republic of Armenia, this is the first model law developed and presented by the representatives of the Republic of Armenia," Mikael Melkumyan informed