Marketing Professional Training Course Was Summed Up

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Yesterday, on December 16, certificetes were awarded to the 16 participants of the professional marketing training course. The training was organized for the lecturers of the Chair of Marketing. Armen Avag Avagyan, ASUE graduate, a well-established specialist in the field, co-founder of Metrica Group and Chief Growth Hacket, was the trainer.

Welcoming the participants of the course, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan mentioned that the outcomes were mainly satisfactory, and if there were any problems, they could be solved due to the ongoing trainings, raising the qualification, updating the knowledge.

"Marketing, in this respect, is a dynamically developing profession. In terms of Armenian translated literature, sometimes we just do not manage to keep up with the times. Encouraging the use of professional literature in English and Russian, we are ready to make efforts to replenish our library with literature translated into Armenian"; Diana Galoyan noted.

The Rector also stressed that the results of the admission of the last two years obviously showed the applicants' increasing interest towards marketing.

"Marketing is the most competitive profession in our University today, which means that we must make every effort to develop this profession, which is a priority for us. It is also very important that the Head of Marketing Chair fully accepts our approaches and is ready to assist in any issue"; the Rector added.

Vadim Grigoryan, Head of ASUE Chair of Marketing, thanking ASUE Leadership for the given opportunity, mentioned that the chnace for self-development and improvement is endless, then expressed hope that the lecturers of the Chair would use the acquired knowledge effectively in the professional teaching process.

Armen Avag Avagyan emphasized the great interest of the lecturers towards the course, expressing hope that it would contribut to their professional development.