Another "Hospital Management" Course Has Started

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On December 3, another – the sixth course, of "Hospital Management" implemented by the joint efforts of ASUE and National Medical Chamber has started.

This training is attended by mainly doctors, heads of medical organizations and their subdivisions, senior medical workers, non-medical management staff of medical organizations.

18 of the candidates who applied for the course were selected. Welcoming the latter, Narek Vanesyan, the President of the National Medical Chamber, mentioned that the program has a history of two years, and about 200 graduates had been issued during this period of time, many of them have achieved great success in their fields.

"I would like to express gratitude to the University of Economics, which, being a non-medical University, has a significant role in implementing this program"; the President of the National Medical Chamber stated.

Expressing gratitude for the trust, Lusine Danielyan, Director of the Department of External Relations at ASUE, mentioned that the cooperation with the National Medical Chamber is really effective, and we managed to strengthen our position in the market of short-term medical courses during a short period of time. "I hope that the University of Economics will become a familiar place for you for the next two months. Our team will demonstrate an individual approach and attitude to each of you, and they even will help you after the training ended. I wish you good luck, I am sure that the knowledge that the skilled trainers will share with you, will ensure your further professional development"; Lusine Danielyan noted.