ASUE Representatives Attended the Consortium Meeting of MINERVA in Moldova

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On December 2 and 3, the consortium meeting of members of MINERVA (Strengthening Research Management and Open Science Capacities of HEIs in Moldova and Armenia) project was held at the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova. Tatul Mkrtchyan, ASUE Vice Rector for Science, Nerses Gevorgyan Head of Fundraising Division, Project Coordinator, Yevgenya Bazinyan, Head of PhD Division, attended the event.

Olesia Sirbu, Vice-Rector for International Affairs of Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Project Coordinator, and Rodica Crudu, Professor at the same University and Project Manager, made welcoming remarks. Then, the participants of the meeting presented the work done and achievements within the frames of the project, as well as the existing institutional and national policy in the field of open science.

Nerses Gevorgyan presented the work done by ASUE, outcomes achieved within the frames of the project. Emphasizing the importance and advantage of the principles of open science, he expressed confidence that ASUE would continue actions aimed at strengthening the capacities of research management and open science.

ASUE representatives had bilateral meetings with the representatives of the project partner Universities within the frames of the visit to Moldova, aimed at the further development of relations and the expansion of international cooperation.

Let’s recall, MINERVA project is co-financed by the EU Erasmus + program, aims to strengthen the management of research in Universities in Moldova and Armenia, making science more accessible and affordable. The project aimed at creating and strengthening technical and content infrastructure in the field of research, introduction of a program fighting against plagiarism and academic ethics, research base creation and introduction.

ASUE has been a project partner since 2019. The duration of the program is 3 years.