Another Issue of the Series of ASUE AMBERD Research Center Has Been Published

06.05.2021 Amberd
View count: 628

By the decree of ASUE Scientific Board the 37th issue of AMBERD series was published, entitled "Assessment of the Opportunities of Agro-tourism Development in the RA Regions (by the example of RA Lori and Tavush)". It is dedicated to revealing the potential of agro-tourism in Lori and Tavush regions, the authors analyzed the tourism resources, the existing infrastructure, conducted surveys among the stakeholders, identified the obstacles to the development of agro-tourism and developed a package of proposals to overcome them.

While being interviewed, Davit Hakhverdyan, Director of AMBERD research center mentioned that the publication of the series reflects the outcomes of the center's work every year. "The series presents the collective research conducted within the framework of the in-university competition. This is the 37th issue, I hope that it and other further researches will be applied as harmoniously as possible in different spheres of economy and life"; David Hakhverdyan noted adding that 13 series are planned to be published this year.

See the el-version of the series.

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