The Republic of Armenia is 28 Years Old

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September 21 is not just a calendar holiday in the life of an Armenian, but a message to reevaluate the past and present of our statehood, to preserve the motherland inherited throughout the generations, to love and prosper our homeland.

We are the independence, the spirit of our birth, which lives with us, gives us the energy to love our homeland ... and the homeland loves to be independent. And we know for sure that the price of independence is high, and a soldier standing at the border, a land builder warrior, a warrior-born mum are seeking day and night to keep it ...

Independence is the leap of our minds, the vibration of our souls and the call of our blood, our firm will, the immense wealth we inherited with the message of creating in motherland, living in dignity.

Is it a great honor to live in an independent country!

Congratulations to all Armenian.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division