Process of Conducting Internship is Being Reviewed at ASUE: Representatives of ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK Met Students

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The process of conducting internship is being reviewed at Armenian State University of Economics aimed at not only changing the way the internship is being conducted, but also the content, enabling students to strengthen the knowledge gained at the University.

The internship of full-time Bachelor’s, Master’s and part-time Bachelor’s degrees will be conducted at ASUE since February.

Gevorg Sardaryan, Head of Labor Market and Alumni Affairs Division, noted that 1600 students should participate in the internship. The process is being carried out with state and private sector organizations (around 80).

Gevorg Sardaryan stated that in the context of conducting internship about 40 students met ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK staff and conducted testing, the results of which are known and the students will be informed about. According to the Head of Division, this is a great opportunity to provide students with jobs.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division