The Three-year REFINE Project is Being Summarized: Final Online Conferences were Held

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The project Reforming Master Programmes in Finance in Armenia and Moldova (REFINE) implemented within the framework of "Erasmus +" program is coming to an end on October 14. On October 1 and 7, two final online conferences entitled "Armenian / Moldovan Higher Education in a Changing World: How to Adapt Curricula to Current and Future Needs?” were held aimed at presenting the experience of Armenia and Moldova after three years of fruitful work, in order to summarize the project outcomes sharing the experience gained.

According to the International Relations Division, the final conferences were attended by representatives of the project partner Universities, associate partners, representatives of the Erasmus + National Office in Armenia / Moldova, students, lecturers, representatives of the education sector, as well as the labor market closely related to the latter.

The employees of the Universities participating in the project presented their experience in reforming the Master's degree programs in finance, touched upon the mechanisms of their implementation, the criteria and requirements that were taken into account in the curriculum update process. The conference participants also presented their experience related to the trainings organized within the framework of the project and the outcomes.

Vanine Yeranosyan, Assistant Professor at the Chair of Finance, ASUE, spoke about ASUE experience of reforming the "Corporate Finance" Master's degree program during the 1st conference, and Arpine Jraghatspanyan, chief specialist of International Relations Division, presented the outcomes registered by ASUE due to the reforms implemented within the project during the second conference.

The final conferences were also attended by project associate partners, who presented the skills students need to build their successful careers in the Armenian / Moldovan financial systems.

Let’s recall, REFINE addresses the need for reform of study programmes in Finance with regard to contents and teaching methodologies / pedagogical approaches. Moreover, it addresses the demand for alignment of study programmes with labor market demands to provide the Armenian and Moldovan economies with highly skilled graduates in Finance. Against this background the wider objective of REFINE is to enhance the quality and relevance of six existing Master (MA) programmes in Finance in Armenia and Moldova through targeted reforms.

More information about the reforms carried out at ASUE within REFINE, the students' opinion about them, the literature obtained is available at the active link.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division