The University of Economics has Provided Tuition Fee Discounts to 185 Students Affected by the State of Emergency

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The Rectorate Board of Armenian State University of Economics considering  the state of emergency declared in the country caused by the new coronavirus epidemic, its negative economic consequences, ASUE provided 30% tuition fee discount to 185 students.

The Rectorate Board took into account the students' applications, the documents substantiating the injury during the state of emergency (temporary outage, the fact of losing their job, etc.). The list of students who received a discount was approved at the the Rectorate Board sitting, which is available - here, and the decision of the Rectorate Board in this extract.

"We understand that the situation caused by the coronavirus has created social difficulties for students as well. Of course, the 14th measure to neutralize the economic consequences of the coronavirus approved by the Government of the Republic of Armenia helped  335 students of our University, but our University  decided to be socially responsible for the students  based on their social problems”; ASUE Acting Rector Diana Galoyan commented on ASUE initiative.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division