Thesis Defenses by Graduates of ASUE and Swiss UMEF University Master’s Degree Joint Program

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Today, the students of ASUE and Swiss UMEF University Master’s degree joint program presented thesis (in English). So, the program released the next graduates: they are 5 to be admitted in the 2nd semester of the 2017-2018 academic year.

Here is the staff of the Final Certification Committee: the Chair – Hasmik Manukyan, Head of the Department of Pan-Armenian Programs at the Office of the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs, PhD in Economics, Lilit Dadayan, Advisor to ASUE Rector, Associate Professor at the Chair of Marketing, Bruce Hearn, Professor of the British School of Southampton and Swiss UMEF University, Khoren Mkhitaryan, Head of Division of Organization of Scientific-research Affairs.

Khoren Mkhitaryan, the coordinator of the above mentioned Master's degree program, told that the Committee was very pleased with the defenses: 3 of 5 students got excellent and 2 got good grades.

Khoren Mkhitaryan confidently stated that the program graduates are competitive in the labor market, and its vivid evidence, is Ani Melkonyan, an alumni of the previous academic year, who is now working in the Department of Academic Affairs at UMEF University in Geneva.

It’s planned to award the graduation diplomas in January, 2020.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division