Today is the Anniversary of ASUE Deserved Lecturer Mikael Tavadyan

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Today, Mikayel Tavadyan, Assosiate Professor at the Chair of Theory of Economics, PhD in Economics, deserved lecturerof our University, celebrateshis 70th anniversary. On this occasion, the Chair Headed by Firuza Mayilyan, Doctor of Sciences, Associae Professor, held an online session and congratulated the honorable colleague.

"Dear Mr. Mikael Tavadyan, we cordially congratulate you on your 70th birthday. You have dedicated all your activities to the welfare and development of the University of Economics, to the mission of educating economists. Your human and professional qualities have become a value system for many generations. Thanks to you, many students have been educated, today they have become a glorious specialist for our state, contributing to the development of our state economy with their knowledge and professional training. Today, a whole team proudly congratulates you for your best human qualities, sending words of gratitude. Mr. Tavadyan, we wish you all the best, may God's blessing be inseparable from your family"; it’s  stated in their congratulatory speech of the colleagues to Mikael Tavadyan.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division