Two unforgettable days at ASUE: the summer school has finalized its activities

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ASUE Summer School-2022 for high school schoolchildren of the republic was finalized on July 15. Both days were full of activities and useful communication.

Professional topics, lectures, team games and practical assignments have transferred new knowledge, skills, teamwork experience and abilities to participants.

Debates on the topic of “STEM education, importance and perspectives” held by Yevgenya Bazinyan, “Why study economics” by Aida Mirumyan, “Financial literacy” by Jora Stepanyan, “Authority and leadership” by Gagik Badadyan, “Digital Marketing” by Grisha Amirkhanyan, “Your Portion of Opportunities” by Lusine Khurshudyan were followed by lively and active discussions.

The schoolchildren were extremely attracted by teamwork presentations. Participants have developed business programs in their teams in the spheres of office furniture, fizzy drinks, fast food, bags, classical apparel, notebook production and sales. They have designed the name, logo, motto of their organization as well as have chosen their target audience together with the strategy of their business, financial planning, even their competitors.

Summer school participants have left ASUE with bright impressions, new friends, new discoveries about economics and the University of Economics as well as received certificates of participation and souvenirs.