ASUE Summer School – 2022 has hosted schoolchildren from high schools of Yerevan and RA provinces

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44 successful schoolchildren from high schools of the capital city and Ararat, Vayots Dzor, Kotayk, Syunik and RA other provinces were in their dream university within the frames of ASUE Summer School – 2022 and two days in a row had an opportunity not only to get familiar with the university but also build warm relationships.

Director of ASUE External Affairs Department Lusine Danielyan, head of Lifelong Learning Division Aghavni Hakobyan, and President of ASUE Student Council Gor Melik-Sahakyan have welcomed the participants of the summer school. Students of the university have presented the ASUE admission process, specialties, international exchange programs, the Student Council, short-term courses and other functions of the university.

University leadership has decided to organize the summer school at the beginning of the year. The initiative was presented in April to directors of general education schools of the republic that was accepted with delight and employees of Lifelong Learning Division started to implement the process. About 150 applications from schools of the republic were accepted that were meticulously studied and more than 40 participants were chosen.

The communication of high school schoolchildren with ASUE representatives was active, as well as today and tomorrow ASUE lecturers will acquaint them with opportunities and perspectives of STEM education and many other topics will be discussed.

We have met the future ASUE students in the yard and had an active communication with them. We have spoken to Inessa Abrahamyan from Ararat province, and Siranush Poghosyan, from Geghanist secondary school, studying at the 11th grade who has not still decided which university to choose to study in the future. She has written in her letter of motivation that the University should prove her why she should study there. And Feodor Avetisyan is sure that ASUE will open many new opportunities for him.

Yelena Zakaryan from Malishka village of Vayots Dzor province got information on the school from ASUE Facebook page.  Her mother has also studied at the University of Economics and currently her sister studies here. Her dream to study at the University of Economics will become a reality and she has decided to major accounting.