Representatives from ASUE visited Democritus University of Thrace in Greece

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Within the frames of the "Erasmus+" international mobility program, from May 13 to May 17, representatives from ASUE including Dr. Robert Babayan, Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Business Administration, Knarik Yedigaryan, Assistant Professor of the Chair of International Economic Relations, Lusine Khurshudyan, Chief Specialist of the Continuing Education Division, and Gharib Harutyunyan, Associate Professor of the Chair of General Economics and Natural Sciences at the Gyumri Branch, visited Democritus University of Thrace in Greece.

The visit was highlighted by engaging discussions, during which ASUE representatives introduced our university, its scientific and educational programs to the host university. Possible avenues for scientific cooperation, as well as topics for joint scientific research, were profoundly explored and discussed.

Robert Babayan had meetings with the Office of International Relations and expressed his conviction that the visit substantially enhances academic cooperation and partnership. He underlined that these developments align perfectly with the internationalization strategies of both institutions.

Knarik Yedigaryan engaged in constructive meetings with the faculty members of the university, laying foundations for further cooperation between these institutions.

Lusine Khurshudyan had meetings with colleagues from Democritus University of Thrace, exploring avenues to enhance partnership ties between the universities and foster opportunities for further cooperation.

Photo series are on ASUE official Facebook page.