ASUE Members Visited the University of Pula Within the Frames of Erasmus +

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On January 24-28, 2022, collaborators of ASUE AMBERD Center Shushan Movsisyan, Ruzanna Tadevosyan, collaborator at the Faculty of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations Lilit Azaryan, Lecturer at the Chair of Management Anna Harutyunyan, visited Juraj Dobrila University of Pula (Croatia) within the frames of Erasmus + program. In order to exchange experience, the collaborators got acquainted with the activity, practice, features of different departments of the University, especially the research center. ASUE members visited the Offices of Cooperation and Programs, Science and Research, where Rozana Veselica, Doctor of Science, Associate Professor presented the research activities of the University of Pula.

The delegates of our University presented the main directions of ASUE research activity, the international projects of AMBERD Center. The parties discussed the possibilities of internationalization, in particular, the implementation of a joint postgraduate education program, research cooperation, and the procedure for publishing an article in a journal with University Impact Factor and Web of Science, Scopus Databases. Anna Harutyunyan, a lecturer at the Chair of Management, lectured on "Initials of Starting a Business, Business Model Canvas" for students of the Faculty of Economics.

During the visit, a meeting with the staff of the University of Osijek was held, and an agreement was reached to expand cooperation.

According to our partners, the lecturers and staff of the Universities of Pula and Osijek are very interested in Armenia, the University of Economics and visits are planned in the nearest future.