We, Students and Alumni are ASUE: Ashot Salnazaryan

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Today, the guest of the series of interviews dedicated to the 45th anniversary of ASUE is Ashot Salnazaryan, the Head of the Chair of Finance, Doctor of Sciences, Professor. He answered to our questions, reflecting his love and devotion to ASUE.

- Describe your ASUE in one word or phrase.

-Human capital, as we, our students and our alumni are ASUE.

- How many years have you been working at ASUE?

- It’ s already 25 years: from 1995 to 2002 part-time, and since 2002 to present as a main ASUE member.

- What brings you to University every day?

- ASUE with all its components.

- Do you remember when you first came to ASUE, maybe as a student?

- On the first day of the University foundation as a freshman.

Read the whole interview in the Armenian version.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division