
Գտնվել է 2 նորություն

The students are done with today's reports of the conference: jury found some interesting

"RA capital market: current issues and development prospects" conference, which started today in the morning at ASUE continued at 14:00pm. Today were a total of nine reports, two of which, non-competitive, seven in the competition. Each of the students made a deep analysis, separated statistical data, performed...

RA capital market: current issues and development prospects are being researched by the students. The conference started

Today the conference entitled "RA capital market: current issues and development prospects" launched at 10:00am in ASUE conference hall. The two-day student conference is initiated by ASUE chair of Finance and "NASDAQ OMX Armenia" OJSC. ASUE rector Koryun Atoyan, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and External...