RA capital market: current issues and development prospects are being researched by the students. The conference started

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Today the conference entitled "RA capital market: current issues and development prospects" launched at 10:00am in ASUE conference hall. The two-day student conference is initiated by ASUE chair of Finance and "NASDAQ OMX Armenia" OJSC. ASUE rector Koryun Atoyan, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and External Relations Gagik Vardanyan, head of the Finance chair Ashot Salnazaryan, "NASDAQ OMX" CEO Konstantin Saroyan, University academic staff, guests and students were present at the conference.

In his opening speech, Koryun Atoyan welcomed the guests and said, that previous December ASUE had signed a memorandum of cooperation with "NASDAQ OMX Armenia" Stock Exchange. “ASUE is the only University that trains professionals of the securities market, thus it is natural that we should have a close cooperation with the local stock exchange, to provide quality education”, said professor Atoyan.

Konstantin Saroyan also came up with welcoming remarks, stressing that the capital market is an expressive link of market relations. "The mechanisms of capital market are the mechanisms that have been put on the basis of market relations,” said the CEO of NASDAQ OMX, adding that unfortunately RA capital market doesn’t have the desired level of development.  

The conference started with two non-competitive reports: Master students Haykaz Aramyan and Anna Yolian reported on "The impact of RA Central Bank's monetary policy on the level of development of the securities market" and "The specifics of stock market organization" correspondently. Master student Karine Hovsepyan did the opening of competitive reports. After the report, the audience asked questions. The conference went for a break, it will continue today at 14:00pm.

Note that there are 3 prizes for the participants. Jury will determine the best reports, and all participants will receive certificates. The members of the jury are Nerses Hakobyan Head of Listing, Market Services of "NASDAQ OMX" OJSC, Vachik Gevorgyan Head of Depository System Servicing Department, ASUE Finance chair associate professors Suren Poghosyan and Edgar Aghabekyan.

Tomorrow the conference will end and the prizes will be awarded.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.