
Գտնվել է 3 նորություն

“Lecturer Cup” Inter-university Games Dedicated to ASUE 45th Anniversary were Summed: Awarding Ceremony (photos)

ASUE, YSU, ASPU, NPUA, YSMU, YSULS ... teams of more than a dozen Armenian higher educational institutions competed in 6 championships from January 29 to February 14. Another "Lecturer Cup" inter-university games dedicated to ASUE 45th anniversary, organized by ASUE and Armenian Student Sports Federation, have...

Visiting Specialists Hold Lecturers’ Trainings at ASUE (photos)

Today, training courses of academic staff started at the University of Economics, which would last till February 7. Two pre-established groups of lecturers will undergo trainings on "Methodology of Teaching" and “Outcome-based Education (OBE)” organized by ASUE Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning...

SC 25th Anniversary Events: ASUE Professors vs Students - Football Match

Today, ASUE sport funs enjoyed an exclusive football match – ASUE professors vs students, within the frames of ASUE SC 25th anniversary events. Here is the professors’ team: ASUE acting Rector Ruben Hayrapetyan, Dean of the Department of Management Manuk Movsisyan, acting Head of Chair of Physical Training, Emergency...