“Lecturer Cup” Inter-university Games Dedicated to ASUE 45th Anniversary were Summed: Awarding Ceremony (photos)

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ASUE, YSU, ASPU, NPUA, YSMU, YSULS ... teams of more than a dozen Armenian higher educational institutions competed in 6 championships from January 29 to February 14. Another "Lecturer Cup" inter-university games dedicated to ASUE 45th anniversary, organized by ASUE and Armenian Student Sports Federation, have become history.

Today, awarding ceremony was held at ASUE Gym. The event was attended by Diana Galoyan, ASUE acting Rector, Davit Khitaryan, Rector of Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Hovhannes Gabrielyan, Head of the Chair of Physical Training, Emergency Situations and Civil Defense, staff of the mentioned Chair at ASUE, representatives of Universities and guests.

Hovhannes Gabrielyan welcomed the participants and noted that the lecturers and staff of Armenian higher educational institutions were engaged in a healthy competition for three weeks. He added that this year the “Lecturer Cup” was dedicated to the 45th anniversary of ASUE foundation.

Heads of two Universities Diana Galoyan and Davit Khitaryan awarded the presents.

Congratulations to “Lecturer Cup” organizers and all participants.

See the photo series.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division