
Գտնվել է 2 նորություն

Student March with the Spirit of May Victories

On May 9, a joint student march to the Yerablur glory pantheon was conducted initiated by student self-governed institutions of 13 state and non-state HEIs to commemorate Artsakh's victory and the memory of our heroes. ASUE students were also among the participants. Hovhannes Harutyunyan, Presidents of the Student...


Today, on  the  eve  of  March  8,  a  group of  ASUE  students  with  the supermany  of  Koryun  Atoyan,  ASUE  Rector  and with  participation  of   Karen  Avagyan,  NA  Deputy,  Hovhannes  Margaryan,  Assistant  of  ASUE  Rector,  Mher  Aghalovyan,  Associate  Professor  of  the  High  Mathemetics  Chair, ...