Student March with the Spirit of May Victories

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On May 9, a joint student march to the Yerablur glory pantheon was conducted initiated by student self-governed institutions of 13 state and non-state HEIs to commemorate Artsakh's victory and the memory of our heroes. ASUE students were also among the participants.

Hovhannes Harutyunyan, Presidents of the Student Council, said that the students of Artsakh joined the initiative, organizing a youth march in Artsakh.

Now, students of 10 HEIs, including ASUE, are on their way to Artsakh to participate in the Jengyalov Hats Fest .

Thus, the joint events of the students of Armenian and Artsakh universities have launched, for the unity of the youth and the rise of patriotic upbringing.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division