27th Anniversary of Independence: flashmob and meeting with heroes

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ASUE Student Council has initiated events dedicated to the 27th anniversary of Independence of RA. The meeting with the defenders of homeland was distinguished by its content and uniqueness. ASUE staff, lecturers were also present at the meeting. Assessing the contribution of Artsakh heroes to the creation of independence, students invited people who have gone through a history of patriotism. The legendary spy Gevorg Gevorgyan, the only female commander Anahit Martirosyan, the participant of the four-day war Razmik Gasparyan and senior spy-sniper Yurida Gabrielyan were present at the meeting. A short film which briefly told about the guests was shown. Later two generations of heroes expressed their heartfelt congratulations on Independence Day, highlighting the importance of independent statehood, the consciousness of being a patriot, the irreplaceable role of youth in maintaining independence. The guests presented remarkable episodes of the war, from the front line, told about the heroic deeds of brave Armenians. The second part of the meeting was a question-and-answer session.
Note that in the framework of the events dedicated to the Independence Day, the students performed national songs and dances in the university yard. At 20:00, the march with the traditional candles will start at the entrance to the Erablur Glory Pantheon. Anyone can join the march.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division