33 Years Have Passed Since the Spitak Earthquake

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33 years have passed since the Spitak earthquake. According to official data, 25 thousand people died in the earthquake in 1988, 140 thousand people became disabled, more than 500 thousand were deprived of their homes.

Experts state that if the population had been informed and protected, the consequences of the catastrophe would have been incomparably less.

Chair of Physical Training, Emergency Situations and Civil Defense organizes events every year highlighting earthquake awareness. Today, Siranush Harutyunyan, ASUE Civil Defense Function Manager, initiated an event entitled "Earthquake: 33 Years Passed". Those present observed a minute of silence in memory of the 1988 earthquake, as well as the memory of the victims of the Artsakh war.

Serob Darbinyan, Head of the Territorial Seismic Protection Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Armenia (Department of Population Affairs) was also invited to the event. The latter presented the steps taken in our country during the three decades following the Spitak earthquake, spoke about the importance of working with the population and answered to the students’ questions.