The Job Fair Became a Bridge Between ASUE and Armenian Software Company: The Start of Close Cooperation Is Set

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A number of job seekers had the opportunity to communicate directly with more than 50 employers at the Job Fair held at ASUE yard. The cooperation of the companies participating in ASUE Job Fair, including Armenian Software Company, has already started.

Many ASUE students were interested in the company’s activity and the prospect of working there. The reaction was not late. The company has recently opened the doors of its office to ASUE students, enabling future economists to get acquainted with the main directions and history of the company's activity. The representatives of the Armenian Software spoke with ASUE students about the perspectives and goals of the organization's development, the necessity of intensive application of new technologies in AS systems. The undergraduate students were enabled to be registered for the annual AS system courses organized for ASUE students.

The day with Armenian Software ended with a reception and online game-quiz. The winners were awarded prizes. We talked to three of them about their impressions (at the Armenian version).

Armenian Software is specialized in the development of business management systems, their implementation and further support. Having 199 employees, 11000 customers and 34 years of experience Armenian Software is an absolute leader in the field in Armenia.