New Manual on State and Law Theory for Students

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The manual “State and Law Theory” authored by Associate Professor of the Chair of Law and Political Science Geghetsik Grigoryan and Assistant Professor of the same Chair, PhD in Political Sciences, Associate Professor Sasun Grigoryan was published, which was ensured for publication by the Scientific Board of ASUE Department of Finance.

The main themes of the theory of state and law is presented in the manual, it has a clear and available structure aimed at helping student to master the theoretical material.

The book is prepared according to state educational standards and is intended for students of higher education institutions. Geghetsik Grigoryan noted that 3 main criteria: knowledge, ability and skill, which the student will acquire and which will support not only mastering the base material but also carry out individual research work.

We congratulate our colleagues on the new edition and wish them new creative successes.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division