About 65 Years in Russian Studies: Nelly Avakyan Passed Away

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Nelly Avakyan, who had been engaged in scientific and pedagogical activities in the field of Russian philology for more than 65 years, passed away. An excellent philologist, fluent in six languages, she devoted herself to  the Russian language, taught Russian language and literature at school and University.

For many years, Nelly Avakyan headed the Chair of the Russian language at the Armenian State University of Economics, headed the “Methodological center of the Russian language” at the Russian-Armenian University. She always took an active part in scientific and scientific-methodical conferences in the Republic of Armenia and abroad.

Honored Professor of RAU, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences  is the author of more than 70 scientific works, including 1 monograph, 10 educational and methodological collections, 20 educational and methodological manuals. She is the author of such lexicographic works as the Russian-Armenian Explanatory Dictionary of Economics (Yerevan, 2006), and the Russian-Armenian-English Explanatory Dictionary of Economic Terms and Concepts (Yerevan, 2010). Nelly Avakyan was actively involved in the training of young personnel, she was always ready to provide professional assistance, give valuable advice, support.

She will remain in the memory of her students and colleagues forever! The members of the Chair of Languages bring their sincere condolences to the family and relatives of our dear colleagues.

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