ASUE admission exams for postgraduate studies are over

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On June 26, ASUE admission exams for full-time postgraduate studies (free and paid education system) for the 2023/2024 academic year in all specialties were completed. 13 applicants had the opportunity to fully demonstrate their professional knowledge during the exams started on June 20.

ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan, Vice-rector for Science Tatul Mkrtchyan and Head of the Postgraduate Division Anna Bayadyan were present during the entire process of the postgraduate admission. Anna Bayadyan informed us that the 6 tuition-free places allocated by the Government of Armenia for ASUE full-time postgraduate studies were distributed according to the chairs, namely: Management - 1, Macroeconomics - 1, Finance - 1, Banking and Insurance - 1, Theory of Economics - 1, Economic Computer Science and Information Systems - 1.

Please see postgraduate specialties and further details here.

Please see the photos on ASUE Facebook page.