Preparatory meeting within the frames of T-GREEN program at ASUE

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On June 20, 2023, ASUE staff of T-GREEN project had a meeting to prepare for the Hellenic International University Workshop within the frames of the Erasmus+ "Transforming Master's Education for the Green and Sustainable Future" (T-GREEN) program at Armenian State University of Economics of Armenia.

During the meeting, the 2nd package of the national documents design on “Education for Sustainable Development”, ASUE presentation at the workshop was discussed and the upcoming activities were outlined as well.

The project "Transforming Master's Education for the Green and Sustainable Future" (101083014 — T-GREEN — ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE) is co-funded by the European Union as part of Erasmus+ program, by means of the partnership program for capacity building in the field of higher education.