Another Master’s Degree Program at ASUE: “Information Technology in Business”

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Dear applicants,

as we have already informed, new Master's degree programs  with a new format and content will be introduced at Armenian State University of Economics in the coming 2020-2021 academic year, which will be implemented jointly with large labor market organizations. Today, we present the second Master's degree programs: "Information Technology in Business".

The  basis of this program was set on November 11, 2019 with the signing of a memorandum of tripartite cooperation between Armenian State University of Economics, “Union of Operators of Armenia” NGO and “ARPINET” LLC, one of the leaders in the field of technology in Armenia. According to the memorandum, the new educational program aims to ensure effective cooperation with IT companies both in terms of organizing the educational process and further cooperation with the graduates of the program. Using ASUE experience, existing resources and new approaches to the organization of Master's degree education at ASUE, IT companies, mobile operators will participate in the process of preparing specialists in accordance with the latest requirements.

New Master's degree programs will be implemented:

  • in cooperation with IT and telecommunications employers,
  • 1.5 years,
  • with the involvement of the best specialists in the field,
  • using the latest teaching methods,
  • three times a week,
  • after 18:00 in the evening,
  • internship in the employers' organizations during or immediately after training.

Dear applicants,

the details of the program will be available throughout the year at the "Admission" section of ASUE official website ( See details of the "Information Technology in Business" Master's degree program.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division