The 3rd Master’s Degree Programs at ASUE: “Organization of Insurance Activities”

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As we have already announced, 9 new Master's degree programs will be introduced at ASUE from the next academic year, which will be implemented jointly with large labor market organizations.

Dear applicants, the third new program is aimed at preparing insurance specialists and is called "Organization of Insurance Activities". Let’s recall, on December 3, 2019, Diana Galoyan, ASUE Acting Rector  and Arevshat Meliksetyan, CEO, Chairman of the Board of Directors of INGO ARMENIA Insurance Company, signed memorandum of cooperation.

New Master's degree programs will be implemented:

  • in cooperation with large insurance companies,
  • 1.5 years,
  • with the involvement of the best specialists in the field,
  • using the latest teaching methods,
  • three times a week,
  • after 18:00 in the evening,
  • internship in the employers' organizations  during or immediately after training.

Dear applicants,

the details of the program will be available throughout the year at the "Admission" section of ASUE official website ( See details of the "Organization of Insurance Activities" Master's degree program.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division