Another Opportunity to Gain Practical Skills

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The Chair of Financial Accounting at ASUE has applied to the State Revenue Committee to provide a test version of the File-Online system aimed at organizing the educational process of "Reporting Taxation" course within the specialty of "Accounting and Taxation". Alvard Sargsyan, Head of the Chair, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, submitted information and added that ASUE has recently signed an agreement with the SRC, the system has already been provided.

Today, the first group of students tested the system and the Head of the Chair noted that this system is very important for gaining practical skills.

Lector Elen Avalyan noted that the electronic reporting system simplifies the process of tax reporting.

Assistant Professor Rafayel Zakaryan noted that Alvard Sargsyan made a great contribution to the introduction of the course, and then added that the test version of the File-Online system would give students a lot of practical knowledge in preparing tax reports.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division