Hrant Bagratyan Delivered Lecture for ASUE SSS Members (photos)

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ASUE Student Scientific Society launches a series of lectures during which famous economists, experienced specialists in the field will deliver lectures at ASUE. Hrant Bagratyan, economist, former Prime Minister, was the first guest and lectured on “Global Challenges and Armenia”. The meeting was attended by Diana Galoyan, ASUE acting Rector, Armen Grigoryan, Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, Davit Hakhverdyan, Director of AMBERD research center, members of academic staff, collaborators, PhDs and students. Diana Galoyan made an opening remark stating that students select the guests within the frames of the SSS, and Hrant Bagratyan, one of the best economists in the Republic, was hosted at ASUE requested by the SSS members.

Hrant Bagratyan's lecture was a comprehensive overview on megaeconomics, civilizations, the evolution of economics, a detailed reference on the economic picture of Armenia in the mosaic of the world economy, the challenges it faces, and the prospects for its development.

After a remarkable speech that lasted more than two hours, the audience applauded, then a question and answer went on.

Summing up the meeting, Diana Galoyan noted that this lecture was one of those exceptional ones that combined academic knowledge, practical and personal experience and humor.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division