Anti-Corruption Education is Imperative: the University of Economics and the Corruption Prevention Commission of the RA have Set a Cooperation Agenda

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Armenian State University of Economics and Corruption Prevention Commission of the RA have formed an agenda of cooperation highlighting anti-corruption education and in that context, preparing the best specialists for the field. Today, on September 25, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan and the Chair of the Corruption Prevention Commission Haykuhi Harutyunyan signed a memorandum of cooperation.

Highlighting cooperation opportunities of the University of Economics with external partners, especially with state structures, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan stressed that each cooperation the University tries to implement is first of all for the benefit of students, especially that anti-corruption education is imperative; "The scope of cooperation is in the sphere of our academic freedom. As a state University we prepare specialists first of all for state structures, however, our University also has close ties with large organizations in the private sector. I hope that this memorandum will give an opportunity to increase the number of our students, who will spend their teaching and research internships in the Commission, and then the best students of the University of Economics will become your employees. I am sure, what is fixed in this document will be implemented in the nearest future”.

The Chair of the Corruption Prevention Commission Haykuhi Harutyunyan assured that the Commission needs purposeful, knowledgeable specialists with relevant professional education, who will be endowed with analytical skills, will have great motivation to work in the anti-corruption field.

"We expect that this cooperation will be effective. You are the first in the RA university system with which we are building our cooperation. We hope that your example will be contagious for other educational institutions"; Haykuhi Harutyunyan noted.

After signing the MOU, the parties had a substantive discussion, which was attended by Lusine Danielyan, Director of ASUE External Relations Department, Tatevik Vardanyan, Head of Career Center, Aramayis Pashinyan, Lilit Aleksanyan, Mariam Galstyan and Narek Hambardzum members of the Corruption Prevention Commission.

Diana Galoyan assured that the University of Economics is ready to discuss and develop anti-corruption course for students, to involve the members of the Commission as lecturers. ASUE already has such a precedent․ Last year, "Engaged Citizen" course was introduced in the curriculum of the University of Economics, which is quite effective.

At the end of the meeting, ASUE Rector invited the members of Corruption Prevention Commission to participate in the Job Fair organized in cooperation with the Joint Social Service of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Republic of Armenia at ASUE on October 8, where the members of the Commission will have a separate pavilion to present the organization and vacancies.

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