Arshak Vardapetyan: towards the centennial anniversary of the great intellectual

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Several generations of intellectuals dedicated to science and pedagogy opened the way for the establishment of the Armenian State University of Economics with their great contribution, thus forming and transferring academic educational traditions, as well as high professional and human values.

We do not forget our devotees and especially those scientist-pedagogues who in 1975 became the pillars of the newly established Yerevan National Economy Institute (now ASUE) and served the university's progress with their reputation.

Head of the Chair of History of our university, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Arshak Vardi Vardapetyan (who was head of the chair from1975-1988) was one of such bright personalities, a person who, by studying, developing and fighting, went through the crossroads of life, but preserved the strength of his mind and the greatness of his soul, and dedicated his years to the education and upbringing of generations, as well as to the development of science.

In 1953-1956 he was a graduate student at YSU, afterwards he defended his doctoral dissertation in 1967, received the title of an associate professor, followed by the title of professor. Until 1975, he worked as a lecturer at the main university of Armenia and at the same time headed the labor union committee of YSU.

Then, for thirteen years in a row, the professor closely collaborated with the University of Economics throughout all his scientific and pedagogical activities. He authored about 200 works, paved the way for young scientists, set up a creative and warm atmosphere in the chair he headed, was a devoted and close colleague and adviser.

Arshak Vardapetyan was awarded with the Red Star Order, many medals and certificates for his fruitful activity.

Today, on the occasion of his 100th anniversary, we pay our tribute to the memory of the great intellectual, learn lessons and keep our past alive.