"I am sure you have a strong potential for technological solutions": Deputy Minister of the Ministry of High-Tech Industry Davit Sahakyan was at ASUE

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How to develop technological skills, how to develop your own startup and enter the IT field: the students of the University of Economics had the opportunity to get the answers to these questions from Davit Sahakyan, Deputy Minister of the RA High-tech Industry Ministry, who was at ASUE to introduce the "From Idea to Business" grant program. The project was initiated and implemented by the Ministry of High-Tech Industry. The goal is to support the advancement of high-tech products from concept to maturity through their funding.

ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan when introducing the Deputy Minister and referring to the importance of the program, underlined that the role of the state is great in making business ideas a reality, and students should take advantage of this opportunity. "It is necessary to use all the opportunities to learn, develop creative thinking, and equip yourself with IT skills. From this point of view, the "From Idea to Business" program can become a Rubicon and play a decisive role for all the students interested in technology. Innovation, creativity and, of course, desire are demanded from you, and believe me, new doors will open for you," Diana Galoyan pointed out.

However, the Deputy Minister revealed some secrets of startup success in his speech. He advised future businessmen to be led by several basic principles when developing their ideas, for example, that startup solutions must have a scientific basis, should develop an idea that will best serve the society, etc., and then he spoke about the prospects of turning startup ideas into business, assuring that he is part of the Armenian technological movement and it could be any student sitting in the hall with new and fresh ideas as well as the determination to turn those ideas into business.

Tatevik Hovhannisyan, a graduate of the university, now an employee of "Amazon", spoke about the company's success and new developments, and she was also at ASUE to motivate students by her own example and introduce them to the innovative culture of "Amazon".