Two-day conference and memorial ceremony dedicated to Ashot Salnazaryan

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All those present reminisced and expressed their gratitude and appreciation of the university's Doctor of Economics, Professor Ashot Salnazaryan during the two days at their Alma Mater, the University of Economics. The student conference after the great scientist has united the professor's colleagues, students and relatives in the premises of ASUE. More than a dozen presentations were introduced at the conference entitled "Ways and Prospects of Establishment of the Capital Market of Armenia" and the speakers have come from the universities of Armenia and Artsakh.

While welcoming the participants, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan underlined the fact that Ashot Salnazaryan was not just her colleague, but a senior friend, a bright example of a scientist-pedagogue. "He was a flamboyant person, a person with an eternal sense of humor. I express my gratitude to his children for this initiative and assure that the university is willing to support the organization of events in his memory in the future as well."

Tatul Mkrtchyan, ASUE Vice-rector for Science, characterized Ashot Salnazaryan as a person you could communicate with for long hours, because "we speak about a professor who played a significant role not only in the livelihood of the University of Economics, but also in the functioning of the economics community."

General Secretary of the Union of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges, Konstantin Saroyan, Director of the Investment Department of "Armswissbank" CJSC Arkadi Pinachyan, Executive Director of "Apricot Capital" CJSC Vachik Gevorgyan, Head of Human Resources Management of the Armenian Stock Exchange and Central Depository (AMX) Armine Tovmasyan evaluated the activities of Ashot Salnazaryan, and highlighted that his activities and works are visible and tangible.

The second day of the conference was more ceremonial. By the decision of the Scientific Council of ASUE, Rector Diana Galoyan has granted Ashot Salnazaryan ASUE gold medal as a posthumous award, handing it over to his children, Hasmik and Gor Salnazaryan. The film "I'm Simply a Human" about Ashot Salnazaryan was demonstrated, which reminded his friends and colleagues of some vivid memories connected with him.

We would like to inform you that the conference was held on the initiative of Hasmik and Gor Salnazaryan and with the support of ASUE, Armenian Stock Exchange and Central Depository (AMX), "Armswissbank" CJSC, "Apricot Capital" CJSC and Eurasian Stock Exchange Union (FEAS).

See the entire photo series on ASUE Facebook page.