ASUE 2022 operational performance report and new strategy have been approved at the extended session of the Scientific Council

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Members of ASUE Scientific Council, representatives of the academic and administrative staff and students took part in the extended session of the Scientific Council of ASUE. President of ASUE Scientific Council, Rector Diana Galoyan held a speech and presented the annual performance report of 2022, the results of 2022 budget execution, the estimated budget for 2023 and 2023-2027 development strategy.

Diana Galoyan has meticulously presented five core directions of ASUE 2018-2022 development strategy that will be presented underneath.

The university continues the process of reviewing study programs as of 2021 in line with the strategic goal ‘Improvement of study program quality’: training of the academic staff was as the focal point and a series of events and projects were carried out to strengthen the relations between the university and labor market as well as events to advance the entrepreneurial and practical skills of students are continuing to be of utmost importance for the university.

Competitions to employ high quality academic staff were announced at ASUE in 2022 based on the second direction of the development strategy ‘Improvement of ASUE performance effectiveness’ as well as paid courses were organized to diversify ASUE budget and increase organizational efficiency, fundraising activities were implemented, and e-government of the learning process was carried out via Moodle and UMS platforms.

In the context of ‘Applied research – education integration and applied research – economic cooperation’ strategic goal, many activities were carried out. Amberd Research Center has carried out 10 research projects for state and local government bodies on the basis of grants, Amberd Series and scientific journal ‘Messenger ASUE’ issues were published, as well as papers of the academic staff are being published in journals included in Scopus and WoS database.

Memorandums of Cooperation were signed with foreign HEIs within the frames of the strategic goal ‘Expansion of Internationalization’ and exchange and mobility programs for students and lecturers have been signed.

The Rector later addressed the 2022 budget execution and pointed out that monetary entries were 3,545 million RA drams and expenditure was 3,360 million RA drams. Diana Galoyan also presented the estimated budget for 2023 and pointed out that it will have a deficit.

The fourth question on the agenda referred to ASUE 2023-2027 development strategy previously presented to all the subdivisions of the university, many suggestions were made and the amended version was sent to the Scientific Council before the session. The rector assured that the new strategy will have an abrupt development and ASUE will reinforce its position especially in international education market.

ASUE 2022 operational performance report, 2022 budget execution and the new strategy have been approved at the extended session of the Scientific Council.

Vice-rector for Science Tatul Mkrtchyan presented some current issues and suggested making the scientific journal Messenger ASUE completely English for the internationalization of science and publish 3 issues per year and set up a new scientific journal ‘Economy and Society’ and papers to be completely presented in Armenian.

You can find the annual reports after the approval of the Council on ASUE official website that reflects the functioning of the university in details.

For more detailed information, please see the Armenian version.