Welcome to ASUE: foreign students integrate into the university life and learning environment

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Welcome Day has been organized for foreign students from Ghana, Cameroon, Russian Federation and Bangladesh that chose ASUE as their university as well as for Erasmus+ students from Varna University of Economics (Bulgaria) and Zwickau University of Applied Sciences (Germany) to spend one semester at ASUE. The aim of the meeting was to assist the foreign students and integrate them into the university life and learning environment.

Welcoming the foreign students, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan pointed out that they will get high quality education in economics in line with international criteria. The rector got familiar with every student in warm atmosphere and promised to personally assist them in any issue. “We will help you discover our university, easily adapt to new environment and actively get involved in scientific, educational, sports and cultural life of the university”.

Employees of ASUE International Relations Division presented Armenia, told about the advantages of studying at ASUE and presented the study programs followed by the quiz about Armenia and the student from Ghana knew about Armenia more than others and was awarded the prize.

Education for foreign students will be carried out in English: at the bachelor education program ‘Management’ and master education program ‘Business Administration”.