ASUE Alumni Network: Registration Page in ASUE Official Website

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Dear alumni of Armenian State University of Economics, Yerevan State Institute of Economics, Yerevan Institute of National Economy,
many of you are already aware of Ruben Hayrapetyan’s, ASUE acting Rector, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, initiative of creating ASUE alumni network.
We are pleased to inform that "Alumni" page has been operated in ASUE official website (in the left corner of the site) for a more coordinated implementation of the process: visiting you can fill in the submitted form to join the latter. So you’re registered in information base of the mentioned network.
P.S. Ruben Hayrapetyan has acted with the initiative at the beginning of this year; “Since the appointment of the acting Rector of the University, I have received many letters from the representatives of business sector, officials, international program managers, who express willingness to cooperate with the University. Many of them are our University alumni of different years, apart from cooperating, they want to be useful and to keep in touch with the University. We have a great potential that has not been properly implemented so far. Occupying various responsible positions both in Armenia and abroad, alumni of our University have formed a huge resource base around the University. Considering this fact, as well as the priorities of the University of Economics for the coming years, we initiated to create alumni network which should become a connecting link between the University and alumni of different years. The initiative aimed at using the tremendous potential for mutually beneficial cooperation”; Ruben Hayrapetyan stated. Here we present the earlier publication.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division