ASUE AMBERD Center Has Improved its Position in the Global Think Tanks Ranking Report

29.01.2021 Amberd
View count: 637

On January 28, Why Think Tanks Matter Public Global Virtual Forum was held during which the Global Go To Think Tank Index Report of University of Pennsylvania, USA, was traditionally published. Dr. Vardan Atoyan - Deputy Director-Senior Expert of AMBERD Research Center, was also invited to the conference. According to our colleague AMBERD has made unprecedented progress in the ranking of "Best Think Tanks in the Central Asia", improving its position by 9 places at once, occupying the 50th place, and retaining its position among the world best University Think Tanks, occupying again 94th place.

"I am proud to note that the University of Economics is the only one within Armenian state Universities, which has a rated Think Tank. Moreover, the rating of AMBERD research center is improving year by year. The University of Economics has set a high standard for the development of all spheres of activity, in which the development of the research direction is key one, and in this context, the steady progress of the AMBERD Center inspires us. I congratulate our colleagues of the research center and ASUE staff for this achievement and wish new success"; ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan commented on the ranking results.

AMBERD’s director David Hakhverdyan noted; "Of course, we consider the progress of 9 points among the Think Tanks of Central Asia as an achievement, considering the negative consequences of the coronavirus epidemic, the Artsakh war. We consider it an achievement to remain in the same position among the World best University Think Tanks, taking into account the deepening tendencies of the influence of Think Tanks in the world economy”.

“ASUE AMBERD research center has been included in this authoritative ranking report for the fourth year, each time improving the index of the previous year. Thus, in the ranking of the "Best Think Tanks in the Central Asia" in 2017, AMBERD ranked 65th, in 2018 - 61st, in 2019 - 59th, and according to the results of 2020 published yesterday - 50th. Rising by 9 places at once. It should be noted that in the Central Asian region, which includes the South Caucasus, the University of Pennsylvania surveyed about 230 centers in 9 countries, 58 of which only meet the rating requirements, according to the final report. Let me add that AMBERD was also included in the ranking of the "World Best University Think Tanks" according to the result of 2018 in the last year’s report, which should be considered a great achievement. Moreover, we are the only one in the region in that classification. This year we managed to keep our place in that classification, according to that report: AMBERD is the 94th among the world best University Think Tanks. These results are more valuable in the context that the number of Think Tanks monitored by the University of Pennsylvania is increasing year by year, and the competition is intensified. For example, the authors of the report monitored 8,248 world Think Tanks last year. This year, the number of Think Tanks monitored has increased by almost 3,000, reaching 11,175"; Vardan Atoyan, Deputy Director of AMBERD noted.

See the report.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division