ASUE and "IRIS Business Incubator" will Support Young Entrepreneurs

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Today, Diana Galoyan, Rector of the Armenian State University of Economics, and Narine Terzyan, Executive Director of the EU supported IRIS Business Incubator, signed a cooperation memorandum, starting another new and important stage of interaction.

The goal of the two structures is to invest joint potential in the development of both the economy and education, and to make business development services accessible to young entrepreneurs.

It is planned to implement a number of programs joint with ASUE Change Lab.

ASUE Rector highlighted the starting cooperation and mentioned its multifaceted efficiency. The director of the foundation Narine Terzyan expressed confidence that the cooperation will be a new impetus for increasing the involvement of Armenian youth in the business sphere and creating new perspectives.

Then a discussion was held, the parties touched upon the expected programs and other organizational issues.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division