ASUE Assistant Professor Lectured for Master’s Degree Students at Moldovan University

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On February 3, Mare Khachatryan, Assistant Professor at the Chair of Finance, Ph.D in Economics, held an online lecture for the Master’s degree students of Comrat State University (Moldova) within the frames of “Reforming Master Programmes in Finance in Armenia and Moldova” (REFINE) “Erasmus +” Capacity Building in Higher Education project entitled “Planning and Budgeting of Programs and Projects”.

As Mare Khachatryan told us, during the online meeting she spoke on "Advantages of the Common Tax Field in the EEU", presented the author's analysis (in Russian), which discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the common tax system within the EEU.

"The lecture was attended by more than 30 students of Comrat State University, lecturers and staff interested in the topic of finance and accounting. The 80-minute lecture was followed by an active discussion, the participants noted that the lecture was full of remarkable and analytical parts"; Mare Khachatryan noted.

According to the Assistant Professor, ASUE cooperation with Comrat State University is continuous. New lectures, discussions and research works are planned.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division